News Release

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Key Word
Jul. 15, 2010
Assigned BBB+ to subordinated bonds of Tokyo Tomin Bank
Assigned #A+/Negative rating to sub.bonds of Sumitomo Trust and Banking
Jul. 14, 2010
Assigned AA- to bonds of Mizuho Corporate Bank
Assigned preliminary A rating to shelf of Taiyo Nippon Sanso
Affirmed A-/Stable, A- and J-1 on Keihan Electric Railway
Assigned preliminary BBB rating to sub. bonds of Tokyo Star Bank
Jul. 13, 2010
Affirmed BBB/Stable and BBB rating on Kohnan Shoji
Affirmed AAA/Stable and AAA on Development Bank of Japan Inc.
Affirmed AAA/Stable and AAA on Development Bank of Japan Inc.
Assigned preliminary AA- rating to bonds of Sumitomo Mitsui Finance and Leasing
Assigned BBB+ to bonds of Sapporo Holdings
Upgrades Ratings on Indonesia to BBB-/BBB (FC/LC)
Assigns A+ Ratings to Industrial Bank of Korea's Yen Bonds
Affirmed AA+/Stable and J-1+ on Toa Reinsurance
Jul. 12, 2010
Jul. 09, 2010
Assigned AA- rating to bonds of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking
Assigned AA- rating to bonds of Odakyu Electric Railway
Affirmed BBB- on sr.debts of Keiyo; Revised outlook to Stable
Assigned AA rating to bonds of Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
Jul. 08, 2010
Withdraws BBB/Negative and J-2 rating on SBI Holdings
Jul. 07, 2010
Assigned preliminary A+ rating to shelf reg. of Kobe Steel
Assigned AAA rating to bonds of Tokyo Electric Power Company
Affirmed BBB- and BB+ rating on ShinGinko Tokyo; Outlook Stable
Affirmed BBB/Negative rating on Royal Holdings
Assigned AAA rating to bonds of Chugoku Electric Power
Jul. 06, 2010
JCR Affirmed BBB+ on Central Tanshi FX ; Revised outlook to Negative
JCR Affirmed BBB+ rating on Ueda Harlow; Revised outlook to Negative
JCR Affirmed J-3 on short-term sr.debts of Money Partners Group
Upgraded rating on Hitachi Zosen from BBB-/Stable to BBB/Stable
Affirmed BBB+/Stable and BBB+ rating on Heiwa Real Estate
Jul. 05, 2010
Assigned preliminary BBB+ and J-2 to Accordia Golf
JCR Affirmed A/Stable on Fuji Fire & Marine Insurance
JCR Affirmed A-/Stable on Fuji Life Insurance
Assigns A+ Preliminary Ratings to Industrial Bank of Korea's Yen Bonds
Jul. 02, 2010
Assigned AA to bonds of Suntory Holdings; Affirmed AA and J-1+
Assigned preliminary AA rating to shelf of Nippon Steel
Affirmed A rating on OSG Corporation; Revised outlook to Stable
Assigned A rating to bonds of Orix
JCR Affirmed AA rating on EMTN of Suntory Holdings
JCR Affirmed AA rating on EMTN of SUNTORY EUROPE
JCR Affirmed AA rating on EMTN of SUNTORY CAPITAL
Affirmed AA-/Stable and AA- on Global One Real Estate Investment
Assigned A/Stable and J-1 to Fujitsu Leasing Co., Ltd.
Jul. 01, 2010
Affirmed AA- and J-1+ on Towa Real Estate Development; Outlook Positive
Removed CM; Downgraded rating on UD Trucks to BBB+ and J-2
Affirmed AA/Stable, AA and J-1+ on HOYA
Affirmed A+ ratings on bonds of JX Holdings
Withdraws A+/Stable and J-1 rating on Nippon Mining Holdings
Assigned preliminary AA+ rating to shelf of NTT Data
Assigned BBB to bonds of Joshin Denki
Jun. 30, 2010
Affirmed BBB+/Stable and BBB+ rating on Shoei
Assigned AA-, A+ and A rating to shelf of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking
Jun. 29, 2010
Affirmed A and A- on Eighteenth Bank; Revised outlook to Stable
Jun. 28, 2010
Affirmed BBB+ rating on Accordia Golf; Outlook Positive
Affirmed BBB+/Stable rating on Pacific Golf Group International
Jun. 25, 2010
Affirmed A+/Stable rating on Advantest
Assigned AA+ rating to bonds of Japan Student Services
Assigned preliminary A to shelf of Hankyu Hanshin Holdings
Jun. 24, 2010
Affirmed A+/Stable and J-1 on sr.debts and CP of Gunze
Jun. 23, 2010
Jun. 22, 2010
Assigns "A" Ratings to France Telecom's Samurai Bonds
Assigned A- to bonds of Jaccs
Affirmed BBB and J-2 rating on Elpida Memory; Outlook Stable
Jun. 21, 2010
Affirmed A-/Stable on sr.debts of Seishin Shinkin Bank
Affirmed A-/Stable on Tono Shinkin Bank
Affirmed A- rating on Seibu Shinkin Bank; Outlook Positive
Affirmed A- on Sapporo Shinkin Bank; Revised Outlook to Positive
Affirmed A+/Stable and J-1+ on JCB
Jun. 18, 2010
Affirmed BBB/Stable and J-2 on Toshiba Housing Loan Service
Affirmed BBB+, J-2 on Toshiba Finance; Revised outlook to Stable
Downgraded Servicer Rating on Yamada Servicer Synthetic Office to S3-
Affirms A+ Ratings on Kookmin Bank; Outlook Stable
Affirmed A-/Stable and A- on sr.debts and bonds of Senko
Affirmed A-/Stable on Yokohama Shinkin Bank
Downgraded rating on sr.debts of Yamada Servicer Synthetic Office to BB+
Jun. 17, 2010