Sovereigns and Supranationals

(Note) A Long-term Issuer Rating or its equivalent is shown in Long Term, while a rating on commercial paper or a Short-term Issuer Rating is shown in Short Term. For details, please refer to each Issuer.

Key Word
Outlook / Direction
Issuer Code Long Term Short Term
Malaysia 12059 A+/Stable
Mexico 12049 A-/Stable
Netherlands, The 12056 AAA/Stable
New Development Bank 11009 AAA/Stable
Norway 12041 AAA/Stable
Peru 12069 A-/Stable
Philippines 12006 A-/Stable
Poland, Republic of 12061 A/Stable
Portugal 12033 A+/Stable
Romania 12034 BBB/Negative
Singapore 12042 AAA/Stable
Slovak Republic 12057 A+/Stable
Slovenia, Republic of 12064 AA-/Stable
Spain 12065 AA/Stable
Thailand 12047 A/Stable
Türkiye, Republic of 12008 BB/Stable
United Kingdom 12054 AAA/Stable
United States 12051 AAA/Stable
Uruguay 12073 A-/Stable

※"Code" display principle, the published code of the Securities Identification Code Committee. Issuer without securities code displays JCR internal code