JFE Holdings(5411)

News Release

Feb. 26, 2010
Assigned AA rating to bonds of JFE Holdings
Oct. 23, 2009
Affirmed AA and J-1+ on Nippon Steel; Revised outlook to Stable
Jul. 17, 2009
Assigned AA rating to bonds of JFE Holdings
Jul. 07, 2009
Assigned preliminary AA rating to shelf reg. of JFE Holdings
Jan. 09, 2009
Affirmed J-1+ on CP of JFE Holdings
Oct. 07, 2008
Affirmed AA/Positive and J-1+ on Nippon Steel
Aug. 28, 2008
Assigned AA to bonds of JFE Holdings
May. 15, 2008
Assigned AA to bonds of JFE Holdings
Feb. 28, 2008
Assigned A+ to subordinated CB (Hybrid Sec.) of JFE Holdings
Nov. 07, 2007
Assigned AA to bonds of JFE Holdings
Oct. 04, 2007
Affirmed AA/Positive on senior debts of Nippon Steel
Jul. 09, 2007
Assigned preliminary AA to shelf of JFE Holdings