What's New

Sep. 28, 2018
JCR assigned Green 1 (Final Evaluation) to Trust Beneficiary Rights 00012747
Sep. 28, 2018
JCR Assigned Green 1 (Final Evaluation) to Long-term Loan Borrowed by United Urban Investment Corporation
Sep. 28, 2018
JCR assigned Green 1 (Final Evaluation) to the UUR Green Joint Trust Beneficiary Rights (UUR Green Trust)
Sep. 3, 2018
JCR assigned Green 1 (preliminary) to Long-term Loan borrowed by United Urban Investment Corporation
Sep. 3, 2018
JCR assigned Green 1 (preliminary) to Trust Beneficiary Rights (green 1) issued by Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited
Aug. 31, 2018
JCR assigned Green 1 (Final Evaluation) to the 33rd bond issued by Ricoh Leasing Company, Ltd.
Aug. 24, 2018
JCR Assigned Green 1 to Long-term Loan (Green Loan 1) Borrowed by Japan Excellent
Jul. 25, 2018
JCR Assigned Green 1 (preliminary) to the 33rd Bond Issued by Ricoh Leasing Company, Ltd.
Jun. 12, 2018
Results of verifying whether the model bond issuance complies with MOE’s green bond guidelines, which was conducted by Ministry of Environment as a project for creating a green bond model for FY2018
May. 18, 2018
Results of verifying whether the model bond issuance complies with MOE’s green bond guidelines, which was conducted by Ministry of Environment as a project for creating a green bond model for FY2018
Dec. 26, 2017
JCR joined Japan Climate Leaders Partnership (Japan-CLP)
Dec. 1, 2017
JCR registers as an Observer of Green Bond/Social Bond Principles issued by International Capital Market Association (ICMA)
Nov. 22, 2017
JCR Assigned Green1 to Long-term Loan Borrowed by Canadian Solar Infrastructure Fund
Nov. 10, 2017
Results of verifying whether the model bond issuance complies with MOE’s green bond guidelines, which was conducted by Ministry of Environment as a project for creating a green bond model for FY2017
Sep. 29, 2017
Necessity to Consider ESG Factors for Credit Ratings
Sep. 20, 2017
JCR signed the initiative on ESG In Credit Ratings by UNPRI